Data is the other half of the story and a necessary tool for developing realistic Economic Development Goals. Use the tools below to explore Humboldt County from new perspectives, expand your community knowledge, and share your discoveries with other community members.
Explore who and what makes up your community. What is the average income level, how racially diverse are we, what is our educational attainment rate, and so much more
Nothing tells a story like a map. Learn which areas of our community are the most impoverished, the most diverse, are in flood zones, have tax incentives for businesses, etc.
This tool lets you compare two communities. How does your community compare with that of your neighbor, that of another county, or even a city in another state on the other side of the Country
County of Humboldt’s Economic Development Division supports livelihoods and prosperity for all persons in all Humboldt county communities by administering programs and initiatives relevant to the County of Humboldt’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).